Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I am shooting in manual!

f/5.7 1/64 ISO 800 Ok, so I have a DSLR & have been trying to really learn how to use it. Yesterday I challenged myself to shoot manually & here are a few shots. I still have so much to learn! I love the fact that I am starting to understand it though! I should add that these shots are not SOOC, I pse'd them a little. I did a clean edit though & only really adjusted for skin tone (which I am still trying to figure out!)
f/5 1/49 ISO 500

f/5.6 1/60 ISO 500

Finally, here is a LO I just completed with my sis & my brother's little girl. The goal was to get a pic comparing their red hair. Compared to Elli's bright coif Erica's barely even looks red!

1 comment:

okanogangirl said...

Those are fantastic shots! Congrats on taking the leap to manual :)